Thursday, July 12, 2012

Eleven Days

Coming into the home stretch for the Bar.  I was initially going to rant about what a subjective and generally effed up test the Washington Bar is, but I don't have the strength for it this morning.

Getting pretty tired I guess.

Also concerned about ROWD, the old man is in Peru and apparently quite sick.  Been in the hospital for a couple of days but that's all we know.  He developed dysentery on a previous trip, but it didn't get full blown until he was back in the States.  Took him several weeks to recover that time - of course, the man is like 75 years old so I think any case of dysentery would be per se severe.

I've yet to have the pleasure of being ill in a foreign country, but I did break my ankle in Morocco and let me tell you that was no picnic.

Hopefully his illness is not as bad this time as it was last, and I suppose hospitals in Peru see more than their fair share of Americans with 'intestinal difficulties'.

Send good thoughts and I'll keep you posted.

PS  Keep the totems coming, it's been a real pleasure to hear from you guys.  It means more to me than you know!

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