Friday, March 23, 2012

Another Conversation

Over dinner.

"Finally!  Barney Franks - the queer - is leaving Congress."
"'The queer'?  THE queer?  That's a lot of pressure."
"Since the day he got to Congress he's been trying to destroy everything."
"Everything?  Hasn't he been in office like twenty years?  You'd think someone would have caught on earlier."
"First his committee tells banks to make bad loans, NOW he wants people to able to get OUT of bad loans - without any penalty!"
"Wait don't want banks regulated, and you don't want consumers protected?"
"I don't want any of it!  Let the market figure it out and people pay the price."
"So free market, limited government, personal liberty?"
"I think that sounds a little like Libertarianism."
"Those Crazies?  You don't know what you're talking about."

If anyone knows The Crazy, it's me and I have two decades of psychologic med scrips to prove it.

"You're probably right."
"Of course I am."

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