Sunday, June 17, 2012

Bring Me A Shrubbery!

As everyone knows, I am studying for the Washington State Bar exam.

I think it was on CNN.

Three weeks down, five to go.  Seven subjects down, 21 to go.

I know All My Good Peeps are rooting for me, and I've thought of a way you can actually help if you wanna.

Send me a talisman! 

I've already decided to wear two necklaces (one from a former beau, one from my parents) for encouragement.  Just mail a small something to me - a beer coaster from a place we've been, a refrigerator magnet, even your business card - I just need to be able to string it around my neck or put it in a pocket.

If snail mail is too last century for you, take a picture and email it to me.  Or find one on the interwebs.  I can print it and slip it in my pocket.  Anything will do as long as it is uniquely you and will remind me of your own personal awesomeness.

Besides having little talismans from folks right there with me during the exam, it will also help alleviate the next five weeks' BOREDOM as I slog through.

So get creative - I'm curious to see what you will send that you view is quintessentially YOU.  It's all about you!  Except it's about Me.  Or me and you. 

But mainly Me.

July 24-26, here I come!