Thursday, August 15, 2013

Happy Birthday Mister Todd

Okay Peeps you guys know how I love the birthdays.  Not my own, of course, but others'.

I met Todd around 1995, when I worked for FCB on Mazda down in LA.

FCB had a working relationship with a post-production house (PPH) so when my/our work won, off to PPH I went to meet my post group.  It was up in Santa Monica (where all the cool post houses are).

Everyone was great, friendly; and no Big Heads to be seen.  I climbed a flight of stairs, and turned a corner to meet a couple of the graphics guys.

Whoever was doing the introducing, introduced me to Todd - and suddenly NO ONE ELSE EXISTED.

Now this, this, was a specimen of a man - tall, broad-shouldered, with a close-cropped beard and long (longer than now anyway) dark curls.  His green eyes had a mischievous glint that suggested he could do all KINDS of wicked things to me if I could manage to convince him to....  But it was his humor that really drew me to him.  Todd is, hands down, the funniest person I know - and I know a lot of funny people.

Sorry Mark, Rick, Allen and Jonathan!  You guys rank pretty high tho!

When I say funny, I mean in  every way.  Quick wit.  Self-deprecating.  Takes little seriously, except the things that should.  And his writing too!  I can't think of Todd and all his talents without hearing his laughter.

He is also an incredibly thoughtful and kind man.  Back then, I had a series of really unfortunate events that messed me up quick-like:  laid off from FCB, mugged and beaten by two men; sexually assaulted by someone I knew*, all within a few months.

So as I tried to recover from this, I decided to move to the Emerald City.  And who was right there to help me, hold my hand?  Todd.  Who let me stay at his place, burn brownies in his pristine oven, hugged me when I cried for no reason?  Todd.

Years later, he is still that same wonderful guy.  Todd took the time to write me very insightful and full-o-love emails when I was going through a rough patch just a few months ago.

Now, he has his faults and failings as we all do.  But this person has had an influence on my life, and I am very grateful for that influence.  Grateful for Todd, and grateful for this day, when he came into the world.

Thank you Mr. and Mrs. Goldstein, you raised a great kid.

Happy birthday, Todd!

*Rick Benson.  I hope you are incarcerated somewhere, Rick!

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