Friday, July 19, 2013

My Village

As some of you may know, I am lucky enough to host The Band's practice in my basement.

The Band is the third most-popular cover band in the West Seattle/Queen Anne/Ballard area.

I'm teasing - they are pretty awesome.  They have a great concept, and the idea of 'Rockaroke' (folks sign up and sing/practice with The Band) is so much fun.  You get to be a rock star and sing on stage!

You are AWESOME!

And the members of The Band are so great in their own right, because everyone is Good People, along with their spouses, significant others, and kidlettes.

They are all part of My Village.

Saturday they rehearsed.  It was one of those perfect Emerald City Summer days.  I had to work but on the way home I picked up a big o bucket o KFC (what is summer without fried chicken?).  We visited, there was more good ol rock n roll, and then everyone pitched in on help I needed on the house.

Let's call The Band members John, Paul, George and Ringo.  WARNING: Photoshop Filters Ahead:

Ringo worked on replacing my leaky bathroom faucet.   I've probably wasted hundreds of gallons of water with that Stupid Thing.  Don't tell any of my Tree Hugger friends.


Ringo is a very nice, quiet kind of guy.  He works on airplanes, and is always willing to very patiently explain how planes work, which ones are sound; why they fail.  I'll ask something painfully uninformed, like, "How does a megaton machine fly through the air, much like a bird, but without the flapping?", and he'll proceed to lay out the theories of aerodynamics in words of one syllable.  My dad is a pilot so we have a little to talk about there.  Ringo says my dad's plane (which he recently sold) was known as The Fork-Tailed Doctor Killer.

I really like talking to him about such things, because he never makes me feel stupid for my lack of knowledge.  His lovely girlfriend is in town and during practice she helped me changed out light bulbs (People, heights freak me out.  Even little ones.  There it is). 

Paul supplied tools (and helped with plants). 


All this rehearsing is for Paul's wife's birthday party Saturday who is a very sweet person (shout out to Paul's wife!).

John and George did heavy lifting to polish up my flower bed structures in the front yard.



Not that I didn't help.  I cut the lumber to size with a big o electric circular something-or-other, and it was very satisfying.


SWEET.  Who, I ask you, DOES NOT LIKE POWER TOOLS?  That lumber had NO CHOICE.

I was, in fact, THE MAN.

Then John and I set the wood screws and built the trellises.

How it looked before, with Ringo multitasking (mowing and drinking).  Not the best shot but as you can see I only have the uprights to the flower beds:

How it looks now:


So life is pretty good these days.  I have a good job, and a loving village.  You can't ask for too much more than that.  I could not be happier, really.

But as a bonus, here are two sunsets we've been treated to recently:

This is completely unretouched - that's how beautiful it was.

This one too.

And what's a Disclaim and Deny post without something semi-random:  My current favorite song The Band is rehearsing.  By Eric Clapton, Teh Genius**:

*Possibly also a reference to Nancy Drew, for those In The Know.
** With all due respect to SRV.


  1. George was my favorite of Nancy's friends because she was so practical and capable (Bess was just a prissy bimbo). I didn't realize ole George was a thinly veiled lesbian until much later in life. I (sorry ladies) am not a lesbian (although I'll admit I might have played one on TV a few times . . . ;).

    Thanks Lyn for being such a generous hostess and good friend. If I could get Eric over to trim your bush(es), you know I would.

  2. Thanks Girl!
    When it comes to Eric - hope springs eternal....
