Sunday, May 27, 2012

A Memory from 1975

I recently had a weird dream and among other things, I remembered a conversation I had with my dad when I was nine years old.

Which is amazing in and of itself since I can't remember what I did nine days ago.

I think the conversation was prompted by watching an episode of The Jeffersons.  The show had a pair of minor characters, an interracial couple - the wife was black and the husband white.

My father opined these characters were completely unrealistic because "No smart white man would be with a 'black'".  However, he noted, some white women would be with a black man - "Why do you think women do that?," he asked me, apparently already knowing the correct answer.

I ventured that, Maybe because women are treated differently so they know being treated differently is wrong and black people are treated different?  So they just see people more like people and not different people?

Listen - I was only nine.  Being insightful and articulate were not yet my strong suits.

He replied, "Well that's just stupid."

So which part of his opinion was the cake, and which the icing?

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