Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Dear Santa

"ELLE!",  my fans say to me.  "Elle, you are so fabulous it is almost impossible to shop for you - can you give us some hints for holiday shopping?"

First, it does no good to shout 'Elle' at me, primarily because it is not my real name.

Second, it is true that my fabulosity knows neither time nor space (even when fully clothed!) so it is understandable it may be difficult to find a proper gift for me.

Therefore, a few things I would not mind finding in my stocking, infra (see what I did there with the legal term?  I TOLD ya'll this would be a blawg!).

Bacon Band-Aids

Suitcases that look like Penguins.  Why are some of the coolest things only for kids?

Squid Overlord T-Shirt.  If Oliver Sacks is into it, I am too.

Last but not least, nothing would please me more than to find, under my Christmas tree, the most bangable guy ever*:

All kidding aside, I don't care for Christmas - mainly the forced Happy, the consumerism, the requisite gift-giving because the calendar says so.  I actually love giving gifts but it's out of coming across something you know will please a friend, not obligation. 

So I don't do Christmas gifts - don't wanna give, don't wanna receive.  I have everything I need and more than I could possibly want.  I send cards (I quite like cards) and only give holiday gifts in situations where I am absolutely required to do so (Hi Mom and Dad!).

Hope everyone is having good holidays, make the most of the season!

*Will settle for either Liam Neeson or George Clooney.  I'm flexible.


  1. Are you saying I'm NOT the most bangable guy?

  2. That's hard to say, 'Anonymous' (if in fact that is your REAL name) since I don't know who you are.

    But I'm sure you are totally bangable.

  3. I may be anonymous, but I am quite bangable.
