Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Welcome to my Gracious Home.

Jesus H. Christ on a cracker.  What a mess.

 I think this is the kitchen.
I'm prepping for painting so it looks extry unkempt. 

Check the ancient electronics.  
My friend Burns suggested, for accuracy, 
I have them carbon-dated.

The cats, Noah and Mister Smith*, have been a big o pain in the arse.  It's not like they haven't lived here before, and they have four times the space they did in DC, yet marking their territory.  And they are both neutered!  Gah!

I cannot stand, CANNOT STAND any smells in my house so I'm going round sniffing for cat scents.  I'm so adamant about smelliness I will go outside in snow and rain to smoke.

Not that I smoke, mind you, but if I did - I'd go outside in the snow and rain to do so (Hi Mom and Dad!).

That portrait you've read so much about.

But it is so great to be back home.  Yes, I am broke and Comcast sucks and Seattle mass transit is non-existent, but...lord I'm happy to be here, to be loved.  Color me a wimp, but I needs my friends.

Smith sez, it don't suck here.

Please come visit soon. I really want to share my nice little house, my wonderful friends, my beautiful city.

After I find the coffee pot and the toilet paper.

*Real names.  They don't care.

1 comment:

  1. For a moment I thought Mr. Smith got asterisked. And I was very excited, since maybe he was gettin' all lawyerly.
