Thursday, July 19, 2012

I'm Not Old Yet

As we all know, when I don't make any effort I tend to dress like a twelve year-old boy.  And for the past two months I have made NO effort.  I've been living in draw-string pants, floppy shirts and the occasional hoodie.  When it's warm I go crazy and wear cargo shorts.

Yesterday I was in my usual Are-those-your-boyfriend's-pajamas? outfit, having a cigarette outside with one of the librarians I see around a lot.  Let's call her Bertha.

We shall call her Bertha, because now you have an idea of what she looks like.  She's in her late 60s, potato-shaped and skinny-legged.  She is a little fleshly around her unfortunate chin(s).

You know who she looks like?  She looks like a friend of your mom's.

As we were chatting we watched a very pretty girl walk by.  I say she was pretty - I didn't look at her face.  She had on a short pink sweater dress that fit her perfectly, and she had a lovely figure, nice and curvy.  Long blonde hair and longer legs.  She was very attractive.

As she passed, Bertha turned to me and said, she said to me right there in front of god and everybody,

"Must be nice to still look like that."


I guess Bertha has never seen this shot of me.  Take that, Bert!:

Me and my friend 
Yvette SanRegrette, backstage

I promise to start dressing like a girl again, starting a week from tomorrow.

Thursday, July 12, 2012

Eleven Days

Coming into the home stretch for the Bar.  I was initially going to rant about what a subjective and generally effed up test the Washington Bar is, but I don't have the strength for it this morning.

Getting pretty tired I guess.

Also concerned about ROWD, the old man is in Peru and apparently quite sick.  Been in the hospital for a couple of days but that's all we know.  He developed dysentery on a previous trip, but it didn't get full blown until he was back in the States.  Took him several weeks to recover that time - of course, the man is like 75 years old so I think any case of dysentery would be per se severe.

I've yet to have the pleasure of being ill in a foreign country, but I did break my ankle in Morocco and let me tell you that was no picnic.

Hopefully his illness is not as bad this time as it was last, and I suppose hospitals in Peru see more than their fair share of Americans with 'intestinal difficulties'.

Send good thoughts and I'll keep you posted.

PS  Keep the totems coming, it's been a real pleasure to hear from you guys.  It means more to me than you know!

Sunday, July 1, 2012

A Coupla Pix

All this Bar business has sucked the creative right out of me - I haven't written anything interesting, I don't even have any concepts rolling in my head which is unusual.

But Hey - there'll be time for that after July 26th.

Meanwhile, have a couple of pictures:

Studying Cats Are Studying.

All the law you need to know 
to pass the Washington State Bar Exam 
in one convenient foot-tall pile of flashcards.

The best spot in the house

Also thanks for the totems!  I've received two with promises of four more.  I'll take all the good karma I can get.

I'll post something more substantive soon, probably when the O Fuck Freak Out really sets in.