I try to get to the gym about four times a week to swim. Of course this is fraught with issues such as "Tot Time" swimming lessons; lane sharing, and not-so-subtle drowning attempts.
For one thing, WHY ARE CHILDREN CALLED "TOTS"? They are not tiny chunks of baked potato starch. They are small people with no bladder control and they never offer to pick up the tab. Speaking of, I don't trust those supposed "Pool Time Diapers". I just try not to think about it.
And the whole Tot swimming lesson thing (They are TOO YOUNG to learn how to swim, People! They exist on CHEERIOS and JUICE BOXES!) means less dedicated lap lanes.
So you have to share lanes, which I get on an intellectual level, being a socialist and all, but really you do not want to share a lane with me and this is why:
I'm a crappy swimmer. I do the backstroke because I like facing up, I can breathe without panicking, and it is quiet, with your ears in the water. It's an easy stroke, I concentrate on my kicking and I repeat in my head the number of the lap over and over as I take each stroke, so it is a little meditative. However, you can't see what the hell you are doing.
So I tend to zig-zag my way down the lane, bonking into the floaty lane dividers, like some drunk rat in a maze going from left and right as I lurch from one end of the pool to another.
A friend of mine suggested I should also do some upper-body weight lifting and I suppose I should. I used to lift a lot and I enjoy it, but I figure I'm getting an okay all-over work out since my arms are dragging my 155-pound FAT ASS back and forth across the pool.
Where was I?
Anyway, woe be onto you if you have to share a lane with me.
So I'm on the side of the lane that has another lane next to it (so I won't be next to the TOTS) and this MASSIVE DUDE decides to share the lane next to me.
I'm taking a breather at one end (because I'm a pussy) when this guy walks up. As mentioned, he is HUGE. Easily well over six foot, broad-shouldered, hair on his chest and at least 275 if he was an ounce. He had on a speedo which conventional wisdom would suggest MISTAKE, but uh, it was okay on this guy, IF YOU KNOW WHAT I MEAN.
But then - he turned around to ease himself into the pool and I have never seen that much hair on a man in ever. It was a veritable PELT. I mean, I'm a red-blooded chick and I loves me the dark-eyed hairy-chested Alpha male as much as the next girl, but, Oh Dear.
And THEN - he starts pounding up and down the lane, crazy splashing as he butterflied. When he'd get to the end of the pool he'd do that thing where you are underwater and you kick off the pool wall as you turn? And then come out of the water like eight feet later?
But he'd surface like a fucking BREACHING WHALE and here I'm all slowly swimming along face up and he totally swamped me more than once and I thought he was gonna drown me.
In case you think I'm exaggerating, I sneaked a shot:
Manly enough to wear a pink swim cap.